vendredi 21 août 2009

CU School elements 5

Éléments scolaire 5 - School elements 5
Le dernier pour les éléments scolaires, je vous ferais des papiers pour s'harmoniser avec tous ces éléments. La déco arc- en -ciel est aussi en Français.
The last one for the school elements, I will prepare some papers to match all these elements.

6 commentaires:

Pattycakes a dit…

Thank you for sharing all the school elements!! :)

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you for stopping by our blog. We appreciate your generosity sharing your beautiful designs with us. We are so happy you like what we've done with your elements :)

Cindy a dit…

Thank you so very much for sharing your AWESOME cu school kit!!!

Delph a dit…

Merci beaucoup pour ce partage, vos CU sont superbes

clubiani a dit…

thank you so much for sharing these wonderful designs!

Cindy a dit…

Thank you so much for sharing your cu school kit! I absolutely love it...and since I was a teacher, I love it even more! Can't wait to start playing! :)